See how GlideCX can help
your business grow

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Affiliate Program

Earn 30% recurring commissions by referring our reputation management tool (GlideCX) to your network, empowering them to manage their online reputation and get more reviews with ease.

Earn money by assisting other businesses in growing their online reviews and improving their reputation.

Thanks to our members, friends, well-wishers, and promoters, we are growing at a good pace. Share GlideCX with friends and followers to help them better manage online reputation and get more reviews while you make money for yourself.

We want to share 30% of our revenue for any paying customer that comes through your referral until the life of that customer. So, let's grow big together.

How does it work?

We use, an enterprise platform, for referral tracking to keep everything smooth and transparent. Follow these 3 simple steps and join the GlideCX affiliate program.


Sign Up

GlideCX's affiliate program is for everyone. You don't even need a GlideCX account to be an affiliate. If you understand the importance of reputation management for a business or agency and have an audience who wants a tool to grow their online reputation, this is the perfect program for you to earn extra cash. So let's sign up.


Share. Promote. Convert.

How are your marketing skills? To begin earning recurring commissions, simply share the custom link we provide you with the right audience. In today's world, every business needs online reviews and want to improve online reputation, and we're here to support your success in this mission. We'll provide you with valuable brand assets, including:

This includes:

  1. Artwork & video assets to enhance your content creation
  2. Ready-to-share product webinars
  3. A dashboard to help you track your revenue

This way, you can jump right into business with the tools you need.


Kickstart Your Earnings

With GlideCX, you can earn a 30% recurring commission for every customer you bring on board. The more creative you get in sharing its powers, the bigger your income stream grows. Imagine boosting your income while helping businesses create online reputation and get more reviews - let's get started!

Please Do

  • Create authentic content showcasing GlideCX's capabilities.
  • Utilize brand elements from our brand assets page for promotion.
  • Highlight benefits like ease of use, AI assistant, reptuation management, getting more reviews & analytics.
  • Advertise GlideCX online via blogs, emails, and social media.
  • Share valuable reputation management tips and insights about reviews using GlideCX.
  • Track your results and optimize your affiliate campaigns.

Please Don't

  • Promote on illegal sites.
  • Make misleading claims or false promises.
  • Run PPC campaigns on branded keywords.
  • Use unauthorized branding or alter promotional materials.
  • Spam with affiliate links
  • Give up! Success takes time and effort.

Don't just take our words

“Our online reviews have really gone up! Because of this, we're getting more business since people make buying decisions based on what others say. It's a cycle that works well!”

Josephine B
Josephine B
Chief Marketing Officer, VLM Cars

“I love having GlideCX, it has been a great way to increase our interaction with our customers. I love seeing our reviews daily and can take action if needed. The customer service has been second to none and I highly recommend this business!”

Charles Hopes
Charles Hopes
Rooter Plumbing

“Patients always tell us how great we are. Now our patients can tell everyone else. Easy to use, set up and GLIDEcx maintains it.”

Joanne Gigliotti
Joanne Gigliotti
Manager at Laurel Dentistry

“We've dramatically improved our online reputation. We have a direct connection to our customers that we've never had before — and with that, we've improved customer retention and customer experience.”

Simon Purton
Simon Purton
Director of Marketing, Big Group

Get started today.

Refer, relax, repeat. Earn 30% recurring commissions for referring our awesome online reputation management tool.