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1. Introduction

We are committed to leveraging generative AI technologies responsibly to enhance user experience and provide valuable insights. This policy outlines our principles and guidelines for using generative AI on our platform.

2. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that generative AI is used in a manner that is ethical, transparent, and respects user privacy. This policy applies to all aspects of generative AI implementation on GlideCX.

3. Principles

  • Transparency: We will clearly inform users when they are interacting with AI-generated content.
  • Privacy: We are committed to protecting user data and ensuring that AI systems do not compromise user privacy.
  • Accuracy: We strive to ensure the accuracy and reliability of AI-generated content, while acknowledging the limitations of AI technologies.
  • Fairness: Our AI systems are designed to be unbiased and fair, providing equitable experiences for all users.
  • Accountability: We take reasonable responsibility for the outputs of our AI systems and provide mechanisms for users to report issues.

4. Data Usage

  • Data Collection: We collect and use data in accordance with our Privacy Policy. User data is anonymized and aggregated to train and improve our AI models.
  • Data Security: We implement robust security measures to protect user data from unauthorized access and breaches.
  • Data Minimization: We limit the collection of personal data to what is necessary for the functioning of our AI systems.

5. Content Generation

  • AI-Generated Content: Content generated by AI will be clearly labeled as such. Users will be informed when interacting with AI-generated responses or recommendations.
  • Content Review: AI-generated content is subject to review and moderation to ensure it aligns with our community guidelines and ethical standards.
  • Human Oversight: Human oversight is maintained to monitor and correct AI outputs that may be harmful, misleading, or inappropriate.

6. User Interaction

  • User Consent: Users will have the option to opt-in or out of interactions with AI-generated content. Consent will be obtained prior to using AI services.
  • Feedback Mechanism: We provide a feedback mechanism for users to report concerns or suggest improvements related to AI-generated content.
  • User Support: Customer support is available to address any issues or questions related to AI interactions on our platform.

7. Ethical Considerations

  • Bias Mitigation: We actively work to identify and mitigate biases in our AI models to promote fairness and inclusivity.
  • Ethical AI Use: Our AI systems are designed and used in accordance with ethical guidelines to avoid harm and promote positive user experiences.

8. GlideCX position on the use of Generative AI

At GlideCX, we recognize the potential benefits and pitfalls of using Generative AI as a feature to our business and the Services offered to our customers. And, we know that these new technologies, like Generative AI, should not be treated as a replacement for employees doing their own work.

Additionally, we also acknowledge the legal concerns and ethics issues surrounding the use of Generative AI in the workplace and commit to continuously monitoring the evolving legal landscape of Generative AI and its oversight.

By adhering to our policy and decision-making principles, we can use AI in a responsible and ethical manner that aligns with our values and benefits our employees, customers, and society.

9. Policy Updates

This policy may be updated periodically to reflect advancements in AI technology and changes in regulatory requirements. Users will be notified of significant changes to the policy.

10. Contact Information

For questions or concerns about this policy or our use of generative AI, please contact us at