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Review Campaigns

Increase your review count and win more customers

Get more reviews by adding contacts to a multi-step campaign with a series of messages that can be sent via email, SMS, or both. More contacts mean more reviews!

No credit card required.

Get 3x more reviews using multi-step campaigns

People lead busy lives. Sometimes, review requests are missed or forgotten. You reach out but receive no response.

Our Solution!

GlideCX campaigns utilize an intelligent multi-step messaging system to effectively connect with your customers through SMS and email, increasing the chances of receiving a review.

Track the contact's activity linked with the campaign

Track your contacts connected with campaigns, monitor reviews, engage with feedback, and stay in tune with the customer activity data.

also track the campaign activity like opens, and clicks of each message you send, and compare with other campaigns to validate which campaign is performing well.

Personalized the campaigns

Personalized campaigns have a higher likelihood of resonating with recipients, each campaign can send up to four messages and each message can be customizable. You can change its subject, title, message, review link, and add contact tags (e.g. first_name or last_name). This message will be sent via email and SMS.

Supported Tags: {{first_name}}, {{last_name}} and {{location_name}}

You can also update the logo and personalize it with your brand. This can lead to better engagement and response rates.

Everything you need to start getting more reviews

Reputation Dashboard

Monitor, respond to and showcase reviews from 35+ review sites (like Google, Facebook and TripAdvisor).

Review Links

Create and link to a review landing page in your existing campaign automations, customer support chat, email signatures and more.

Review Invite Campaigns

Ask your customers to review you with multi-step SMS and email campaigns that work on autopilot.

Review Widgets

Create your own dynamic review widgets and showcase your reviews on your website, where they matter most.

Social Media Sharing

Download auto-generated post images, and share them on Facebook and other social media platforms with AI-generated captions.


Integrate 35+ review site platforms and monitor reviews in one place.

Your Branding

Emails and messaging are customized with your brand, logo and accent color to have you looking great.

Reporting & Insights

Get the data and insight you need to manage, make changes and track progress of your reputation and reviews.

Automated Process

Our system handles the requests, reminders, personalized content and more to engage your customers. We save your time!

Don't just take our words

“Our online reviews have really gone up! Because of this, we're getting more business since people make buying decisions based on what others say. It's a cycle that works well!”

Josephine B
Josephine B
Chief Marketing Officer, VLM Cars

“I love having GlideCX, it has been a great way to increase our interaction with our customers. I love seeing our reviews daily and can take action if needed. The customer service has been second to none and I highly recommend this business!”

Charles Hopes
Charles Hopes
Rooter Plumbing

“Patients always tell us how great we are. Now our patients can tell everyone else. Easy to use, set up and GLIDEcx maintains it.”

Joanne Gigliotti
Joanne Gigliotti
Manager at Laurel Dentistry

“We've dramatically improved our online reputation. We have a direct connection to our customers that we've never had before — and with that, we've improved customer retention and customer experience.”

Simon Purton
Simon Purton
Director of Marketing, Big Group

Get more reviews today.

A complete toolkit for smart companies that want to
make online reviews work for them.

No credit card required.